To establish and maintain institutions under “AyurRekha Lifecare Pvt. Ltd.” at Kozhikode District in Kerala State:-
- To develop infrastructural facilities and build up educational and service projects in the sectors of Health, Wellness & Education.
- Practice inner mind engineering
- To spread knowledge and education, by the publication of books, classics, audio and video cassettes, and other literature or by other modes.
- To hold and promote education under various levels of education and research works under the scope of health and education in collaboration with other schools, colleges and other institutions.
- To appoint staff as stipulated in the organogram of each institution.
- To establish, construct, maintain and run clinics, and aid and cooperate with other institutions and societies doing similar work.
- To work for upliftment of the people for wellness physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, socially, educationally and culturally.
- To promote co –operative ventures