Dr. Vilasini C
Life style diseases are considered a “silent killer” disease, causing premature deaths and morbidity across the world. These diseases are otherwise known as non-communicable diseases, which can be caused by a lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating, alcohol, substance use disorder, smoking, other smokeless tobacco, etc. The root cause of our lifestyle health problems is our unhealthy lifestyle itself, which affects us internally and externally.
As these diseases are the leading cause of a higher death rate and higher morbidity across the world, through healthy lifestyle modification, these disorders are reversed to a normal state of life at any stage of these disease conditions. A proverb says, “The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician.” Therefore, the physician must start with nature with an open mind.
With this motive, I took the decision to start a centre exclusively for the reversal of lifestyle diseases in society. Hence, after my doctorate award for lifestyle disease management through alternative therapy, I gained momentum to start my dream project, which started in Calicut city as the centre of Kerala State under a name called “AyurRekha Lifecare Pvt. Ltd. and stands for complete solutions to the people suffering from lifestyle diseases. It is a multidisciplinary health care facility with special expertise in physical, mental, social, spiritual, and emotional health services. The project started in 2023 at Calicut as its headquarters, near a medical college.
This centre has delivered exponential services and has led a team of over five highly qualified clinicians, representing a diverse array of five specialists.
This dynamic team is dedicated to providing comprehensive health care solutions to patients with various lifestyle diseases. The centre’s commitment to ethical and evidence-based care has established it as a primary institution for this venture in this region.
“Life style diseases-free society” in our vision through healthy life style modification such as eating personalised healthy food, doing adequate physical exercises, stopping smoking and non-smoking tobacco, and more happy and relaxing life patterns of mental well-being reduce the risk factor of life style diseases.